Posts Tagged ‘ skills ’

Fan Pages, Youtube and Attitude!

Your push to success!

I love the story of success that has come the way of Lauren Luke.  If you don’t know who that is, just check out some of her videos on Youtube.  She’s a makeup mavin who has been recognized by the Sephora line and has achieved the opportunity to have her very own line of cosmetics.  Her life has become a whirlwind of jetting, busing, photo shoots and interviews.  I think that’s absolutely fabulous!

Right Place, Right Time

Have you ever thought of what it would be like to be “discovered” for your talents, interests or business idea?  Do you have a Channel?  A Facebook fanpage?  A twitter account?  If not, why not?

Being in the right place at the right time takes action and if you’ve not put yourself out there for others to find, you’ll never be “discovered”.

Just take the plunge

I have a friend from Texas who has always said that all he has to contribute is his voice – he’s quite the speaker and when you get him started, dare I say it, he can really get you thinking.

For awhile now I’ve been trying to encourage him to do something with one of his favorite past-times and one of his well-known skills among his friends – his ability to put together amazing meals and in particular, his excellent grilling creations!

His motto is “real men don’t use recipes”, he’s always trying to tell me this but I’m a recipe kind of person – although I rarely follow them to the letter – and he can look in a pantry, grab some ingredients and do up a fabulous concoction just by mixing them together without any concern for whether or not the end result will be great or fair.

Yet, when I bugged him to get his ideas out there…start up a podcast or a vidcast, he hesitated…so I finally pulled a few “recipes” from him and got an e-book put together.  Very simple, very plain but it has had over 10,000 views to date…actually, let me just check on that…11,459 times to be exact.

I don’t know if that was the carrot he needed or not but all of a sudden I learn that he and a friend have teamed up…they have a fanpage on Facebook…TASTEBuds, they have a Youtube channel FBTASTEBuds, they have a twitter account FBTASTEBuds and they have a blog.  In the past few weeks they’ve had a couple of well known businesses, one in the East and one in the West, take interest in what they’ve been doing and these businesses have forwarded to them for their videos, bottles of their famous sauces for use in their grilling fare.

Don’t Ever Believe YOU aren’t worth discovering

Moral of my story?  As the header says, get yourself out there…you ARE worth discovering.  Your skills, your talents and your products or services are indeed sought after by others but if you don’t get yourself out there how will anyone ever know about you?

I know of many creative, inventive, talented and ultra skilled people who do what they do for no other reason than pure enjoyment and the ability to express what is inside them.  Their creations usually get no further than decor for their own homes, yards or perhaps as part of a good friend’s collection.  Are you one of these people?

Perhaps you enjoy being one of these individuals, but if you aren’t…take some of the steps my friend has and just watch how quickly your creative world expands!

I’ll be setting up a few tutorials in the next few weeks that will assist those of you who may be new to the soc-med (Social Media) sphere.  They will help get you up to speed regarding self-promotion that doesn’t have to cost you a dime yet can have a huge impact on your future success.

If you are a successful Artistic, crafty or otherwise creative individual who has found some great avenues that have worked well for you, pass them along so others can learn from your experience.

Til later, take care everyone and … get yourself out there!
