Posts Tagged ‘ success ’

“Think” Success For Your Business

“I’ll never be successful!”, “Your business is doomed to fail”.  Have you said or heard these before?  I have and I’m ashamed to say that for awhile I actually believed all the nay saying.

Sometimes it’s easier to get into a mindset that sets us up for failure, than it is to possess one that guarantees our success.  Failures are a dime a dozen, successes take time to accomplish and even though we know this, we still seem to derail our efforts through those nagging little self-doubt sessions that sometimes take place.

We lose a contract, an idea doesn’t quite pan out as expected, others express their concern for our welfare in ways that are less than helpful sometimes, or sometimes we just tend to read into the comments things that really aren’t there but are more a mirror of our own concerns or views.

Thinking your business is successful from the get go is one thing that many of us find hard to accomplish.  There are fears of what might happen under many different scenarios and of course our mind plays the “what if” game with us and usually we end up with too many “what if’s” that come with negative connotations.  That of course starts the spiral.

Using positive thinking isn’t something that everyone finds an easy task.  We are programmed to think individually, yet many of us receive daily affirmations that attest to the fact that perhaps we aren’t meant to be as positive as we’d like.  As children we often receive “negative feedback”  that comes from those whom we trust, respect and admire.  “Don’t play with that, you’ll get hurt”, “Don’t eat that, you’ll choke”, these are given to us as warnings of what not to do and the consequences that could result if we do them anyway yet they are also negative feedback.  Suggestions that are planted and that can have the exact outcome that we are told they will.

By changing our mindset – just slightly sometimes, great things, ideas and result are possible.  Thinking more positively denotes action, positive thinking begets positive results – the problem sometimes is in waiting for those results to actually show up.  It can be frustrating, but when looking back on the movement we make, often we can see exactly where the trail of negativity led us and where the positive trail eventually takes us.

Think your business successful is sometimes easier said than done, but you owe it to yourself to at least attempt to give it every possibility of working.  Sometimes it’s just a matter of changing our way of thinking that helps us to overcome a problem and replace it with a solution.

Next time you come up against negative thinking – quickly be conscious of the fact and then turn it into something – anything – that will put a positive spin on things.  You just might be surprised how soon this begins to show in positive flow being generate not only for your business but for yourself.


Roadblocks – A Sign To Heed

We’ve all had one of those days (or several) when things just don’t want to fall into place.  As a creative individual, especially if you are in business for yourself, those kind of days are part and parcel of the real world.  A roadblock which stops you from achieving your goals or objective can manifest itself as many things – lost contracts, customer misunderstandings, ideas not panning out as expected etc., and can make for a bad day all the way around – if you let them.  Usually when one roadblock falls in front of us, depending upon how we perceive it and follow through with actions and efforts to remove it, we will either succeed and move ahead or  we’ll find that there are several more blocking our path in short order.

I tend to view roadblocks, those things stopping me, irritating me, frustrating me – as signs.  Road signs if you will that are telling me clearly that the direction I am trying to go or the methods I am trying to implement are actually either not worth my time and effort or they need  to be revised and dealt with differently.  Despite the clear signs sometimes however, I choose to ignore them and continue to forge ahead.  It isn’t until I’ve exhausted every attempt that I decide perhaps the roadblock is trying to tell me something and I’m just choosing not to listen.

A small start-up that I’ve consulted with on several occasions was having a grand time with roadblocks awhile back.  The owner was frustrated and disappointed that things he’d wanted to implement just didn’t want to go anywhere.  Every time he turned around there was another stumbling block in his way and these where beginning to affect his business negatively.  When he called me he was to the point of shutting the business down completely.  He’d had enough and in his opinion things weren’t going to get any better. Continue reading